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Water Safety
Jun 28th, 2015

Hot days, popsicles, sunscreen and trips to the beach… are FINALLY here!  When preparing your family for a nice relaxing day at the beach, here are some important tips to remember before hitting the water.

  • Maintain consistent supervision. If in a group setting, it is often helpful to appoint someone to be the designated supervisor. Having one person responsible to monitor children in the water will prevent inconsistent supervision. Never assume someone is watching.  If possible, consider a buddy system!
  • Take time to teach your child water safety skills.  Learn how to swim and teach your child how to swim.  It is also important to teach boundaries while visiting a pool or the beach.
  • Apply sunscreen. General rule of thumb is to apply sunscreen every two hours, or after swimming or sweating.
  • Stay hydrated. Ensure that you and your child drink plenty of fluids, especially on hot days.
  • Get certified. Consider becoming certified in First Aid and CPR.
  • Have fun and enjoy the sun! 

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