Gift Ideas for Autistic Children: Thoughtful Presents for Meaningful Play

child with head thrown back in laughter holding the stuffed teddy bear she just pulled from a gift box

Choosing the perfect holiday gift for any child is a fun and rewarding experience, but when shopping for an autistic child, it’s important to consider their unique needs, preferences, and sensory sensitivities. The right gift can do more than just entertain—it can offer meaningful opportunities for engagement, learning, and sensory comfort. Gifts that spark joy, […]

Navigating the Holidays for Children with Autism:

children dressed in holiday pajamas with santa hats on, peering into an open gift box with big smiles on their faces. A glow from the box lights their faces.

Tips for a Joyful and Stress-Free Season The holiday season is a time of excitement, festive gatherings, and beloved traditions. However, for children with autism, the changes in routine, sensory overload, and social demands can sometimes make this time overwhelming. To help families navigate the season with ease and joy, we’ve gathered practical tips to […]

Five Tips for Going Out to Eat with Your Child with Autism

family of three enjoying pizza at a restaurant

Going out to eat can be challenging with kids, especially for families with children on the autism spectrum. If you have interest in tackling the restaurant scene as a family, it’s best to take some time to plan ahead in an attempt to make the outing as successful and enjoyable as possible for all family […]

Free to Be Who You Are: Autism Treatment Through a Neurodiversity Lens

Two sisters or friends hugging, one Caucasian and one African-American. They are under the monkey bars at the park.

The goal of autism treatment and intervention is to support the unique needs and strengths of each individual, while also promoting acceptance and understanding in society.  The goals are to enhance one’s quality of life and meaningful participation in society, in whatever form that takes. Autism treatment from a neurodiversity lens focuses on understanding and […]

How to Step into Spring with Confidence

kids playing in a forest with a soccer ball

Spring is just a few weeks ahead, and its imminent arrival comes with an opportunity for children to explore the natural world, discover new skills, and develop confidence.  As we shake off the blankets and jackets of winter, parents of children with autism can help guide them through this time of transition. By taking a […]

Bundling up without a Battle: Three Tips for Winter Dressing

kids playing in snow with snow clothing

As cold wind and snow roll through, our wardrobe must change to keep us safe and warm from the harsh winter elements. Some children with autism resist wearing additional layers of clothing and parents can be hard-pressed to find a solution that sticks.  However, for every issue, there is an answer, and finding a way […]

Timeless Cold Weather Activities for Children with Autism

cold weather activities with a family

With winter comes colder temperatures, less sunlight, and the occasional flurry of snow. In this season, it’s natural for parents and children alike to stay warm inside and let the days slide by. However, there are plenty of cold weather activities that keep children active—whether they venture outside or decide to stay in the house. […]

How to Make the Most of Winter Break with your Child

two kids in winter clothes outside in the snow

Winter break is here, and the absence of a daily school routine is an opportunity for students to get some much-needed rest before returning to the classroom. The holidays themselves can be a flurry of snowy weather and family traditions, and these busy times can be overwhelming for some children with autism who are sensitive […]

Using Compassion and Empathy to Set Boundaries with Young Children

mother talking to her young boy

As a parent, it is important to set boundaries for your child. Boundaries provide structure and guidance for a child, teaching them how to behave in certain situations. But setting boundaries can be tricky, especially when it comes to young children. That’s why using compassion and empathy to set boundaries is essential. Read on to […]

Bullying & Autism – How we can Advocate for Kindness

bullying & autism in a library

Whether at school, in sports, or around the neighborhood, children are bound to have both positive and negative interactions as they branch out socially.  Finding new friends is a quintessential part of growing up that we all want for our children. Unfortunately, bullying is something that one out of every five students reports dealing with […]