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Summer Time!
May 12th, 2015

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It’s official. Spring has sprung! Welcome to warm weather, sunny days, the smell of burgers on the grill, and planning your family’s schedule. After signing up for 3 days a week of swimming lessons, 5 mornings of summer school, 6 afternoons of ABA therapy, and 4 evenings of horseback riding, you realize you forgot to schedule time for family dinner, bath time, and sleep. Isn’t scheduling fun?! It may be for some, but for me- not my forte! So for those who find scheduling a bit of a headache, I have listed a few tips to hopefully help you with the process.

  • Prime the family for the changes to occur in the summer and set expectations. Make sure everyone is on the same page and knows what to expect. Change can be difficult for anyone, so start by setting the ground work for what is to come.
  • If possible, find ways to prepare for the summer expectations. This can be done by visiting camps, summer school, or other activities prior to the first day.
  • Create a visual schedule to place on a common area of your home. Utilizing a visual schedule can assist with sharing responsibility among all family members.
  • Contact your service provider to find out if they provide support services, such as camp shadows or summer school support. The additional support can assist with supporting some of the stress associated with busy summer schedules!

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