Pediatric Feeding Clinic

Pediatric Feeding Clinic

Being a picky eater is common. Having food selectivity is not. 

Does your child:

  • refuse new foods?
  • vomit when given new foods?
  • refuse to feed him/herself?
  • gag when touching different textures?
  • have poor weight gain?
  • eat fewer than 12 foods?

These are signs of food selectivity, not just being a “picky eater.”

We can help. Our Speech-Language Pathologists and Board Certified Behavior Analysts® work together to design an individualized treatment plan to best support you and your child.

Some of the areas we target when providing feeding therapy include:

  • expanding food variety
  • using utensils and self-feeding
  • chewing
  • cup drinking

Research shows that, with consistent intervention, your child’s food selectivity will decrease and their eating will become healthier. Also, it is common that your child will initially respond better to a therapist than to a parent. That’s why parent/caregiver training is an important part of our feeding program.

Imagine sitting down to dinner and your child is eating what you made for the entire family.

We can help make it happen.

We tailor therapy to your child's needs

Learn more with an intake screening, at no charge to you.
Get Started

Upcoming Events

Client Success Story - The Benefits of Early Intervention and Continued Support into Adolescence
3.29.23 from 12 pm - 1 pm CST
3.30.23 from 7 pm - 8 pm CST

Free to Be Who You Are: Autism Treatment through a Neurodiversity Lens

4.27.23 from 12 pm - 1 pm CST
4.26.23 from 6 pm - 7 pm CST

The Importance of Joint Attention in Early Intervention for Autism

5.23.23 from 12 pm - 1 pm CST
5.23.23 from 7 pm - 8 pm CST

A Tale of Two Spectrums: Understanding Gender and Autism

6.29.23 from 12 pm - 1 pm CST
6.29.23 from 6 pm - 7 pm CST